Patient Retention in Specialized Telepsychiatry Services

Mental health has seen a surge in telemedicine services in recent years, which has proven to be a valuable tool for delivering psychiatric care to patients who may not have easy access to in-person care.

Why You Should Try Therapy Again
Therapy Shama Rathi Therapy Shama Rathi

Why You Should Try Therapy Again

Maybe you're starting over after some time off or looking to switch licensed professional therapists or online therapy platforms. If you're feeling uncertain as you consider returning to online or in person therapy, we want to answer your questions and help you find clarity along the way.

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Why Past ERP Therapy May Not Have Worked for Your OCD
Therapy Shama Rathi Therapy Shama Rathi

Why Past ERP Therapy May Not Have Worked for Your OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a kind of anxiety disorder. A person with OCD experiences intrusive thoughts and compulsions to complete tasks. Sometimes these tasks are driven by a fear of germs, like constant hand-washing. Other times the compulsions are more like a tic, such as counting while walking or counting the number of times you lock a door.

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Struggling To Embrace The Uncertainties Of Life? How ACT Therapy Can Help
Therapy Shama Rathi Therapy Shama Rathi

Struggling To Embrace The Uncertainties Of Life? How ACT Therapy Can Help

In life, we often try to avoid struggle and conflict. Let’s face it, we want to live an easy and simple life as much as possible. We don’t want to face problems or curveballs as they can throw us off balance. As humans, we are also always a little dubious of the unknown. We tend to like our routines and shy away from change and things that make us uncomfortable.

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Anxiety and Depression: Why You Might Need To See a Psychiatrist
Anxiety, Depression, Therapy Ivy Verzosa Anxiety, Depression, Therapy Ivy Verzosa

Anxiety and Depression: Why You Might Need To See a Psychiatrist

Living with anxiety and depression can make every day feel like a huge undertaking. From struggling to get out of bed in the morning to fighting racing thoughts at night, it can feel like you’ll never get a break from your own mind. And even though both depression and anxiety are very common, you may feel alone as you face your daily battle. Everyone experiences moments of sadness and anxiousness in their lives. However, when these feelings linger for long periods of time or are very severe, they can interfere with your quality of life and make you feel hopeless.

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Postpartum Therapy: How Do You Thrive After Having a Baby?
Motherhood, Therapy Ivy Verzosa Motherhood, Therapy Ivy Verzosa

Postpartum Therapy: How Do You Thrive After Having a Baby?

Pregnancy and birth are both times of rapid transition, and the days and months after having a baby can come with a wide range of emotions. While your little one may bring a lot of excitement and love, it’s also normal to feel stressed with your new role and responsibilities. Hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, and physical changes to your body can make you feel like a shell of your former self.

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