Struggling To Embrace The Uncertainties Of Life? How ACT Therapy Can Help

dealing with your anxieties in a healthy manner.

In life, we often try to avoid struggle and conflict. Let’s face it, we want to live an easy and simple life as much as possible. We don’t want to face problems or curveballs as they can throw us off balance.

As humans, we are also always a little dubious of the unknown. We tend to like our routines and shy away from change and things that make us uncomfortable. But life is full of ups and downs, and nothing ever goes smoothly 100% of the time. Change and uncertainty are facts of life.

So, what is uncertainty, and how do we embrace it along with the unknown parts of life?

Before you dive in, remember that our professionals are always here to help

What Is Uncertainty?

We feel certain when things feel familiar, and we’ve grown accustomed to our surroundings. We feel confident when we feel certain. However, uncertainty creeps in when life becomes unfamiliar, uncomfortable, and unnerving.

Feeling uncertain can make you feel out of control. When things are uncertain, you may feel anxious, uncomfortable, and unable to predict what will happen next, which can make us feel a little on edge. When faced with uncertainty, you can choose to keep moving forward, or you can retreat in fear. If you find yourself struggling with uncertainty, ACT therapy can help.

What Is ACT Therapy?

ACT is short for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. ACT therapy can effectively treat anxiety, social anxiety disorders, depression, OCD, psychosis, and other stress-related disorders.

With ACT, you are actively encouraged to embrace your thoughts and feelings rather than punish yourself for them or feel guilty. This kind of therapy is about being mindful and understanding so that you can accept your struggles while committing to making the changes in your behavior that you need to.

How ACT Therapy Can Help With Uncertainty

During ACT, you listen to your self-talk to see if you can either accept your anxieties and move on or commit to changing your situation. This can help you stop repeating patterns and behaviors that cause problems and issues in the long run.

The goal with ACT is to be more optimistic, confident in yourself, and able to work towards personal goals and values without fear or anxiety. It can help you be more understanding of your fears towards change and uncertainty. With ACT, you can commit to changing your behaviors and dealing with your anxieties in a healthy manner.

Tips For Dealing With Uncertainty

Remember that uncertainty is certain.

Life is never the same. Things change, and you will feel uncertain from time to time; it’s unavoidable. Remember that you cannot predict the future. There is always a possibility that something will change or go wrong, but accepting this can make you more flexible and resilient towards life.

Don’t limit yourself.

You need to embrace new possibilities. Change is a good thing because change brings us new and exciting things in life. By avoiding change, you are limiting yourself and holding yourself back.

Focus on what you can control.

If being out of control makes you anxious, focus on what’s under your control. Keeping a sense of reliability and stability can help you feel grounded and safe. Then, other things out of your control do not feel so uncertain and scary.

Don’t let fear control you.

Fear is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time, but it can hold you back. Accept that fear will always be there, but that you can overcome it, and you will feel safe and secure once again. Try to use self-care, mindfulness, and other tools to remain calm and reduce stress.

A New Way Forward

If uncertainty continues to leave you stressed, anxious, and stuck, ACT therapy can help you move forward. We cannot predict what life has to offer, but we can move toward living without fear. Call us today so we can help you embrace life’s uncertainties through ACT therapy.

LunaJoy services are available in Florida, Georgia, California, Illinois, Alaska, Minnesota, and Nebraska. Connect with us in Tampa, Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Athens, Macon, Alpharetta, Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Sitka, Minneapolis, Nebraska, Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue.


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