Ready To Resign? Ask Yourself These Questions First

Jobs can be incredibly draining. Sometimes, you may feel undervalued or overwhelmed with work and not being paid enough to manage the load. You may even feel uncomfortable around your boss or workmates and want to find a new environment to thrive. It’s completely normal to want to quit your job.

However, the job market is so difficult right now, and it can be hard to find a new role that suits your needs, so resigning is a decision that you should not take lightly. Before you yell at your boss and throw your resignation letter on their desk, consider the following questions to know what you truly want.

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10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Resigning

1. What would make you happy at my current job?

First, think about what would make you happy in your current job. Think about what it would take for you to stay in your current role. If those things are impossible in this situation, you know it is not suitable.

2. Are you running away from a specific situation?

If you’re in a difficult situation, you may want to leave your job, but these situations can often be rectified with good communication skills. Quitting your job may not be the answer.

3. What would quitting your job solve?

It is vital that you ask yourself what quitting would solve. You may be unhappy due to a range of issues in your life, and while a job can add stress, it may not be the only reason you’re unhappy, and resigning would not solve the problem.

4. Are you financially able to quit at this moment?

If you’re going to resign, you’ll need to have a safety net of money to survive financially until you find your next job. Try making a budget and ensuring you have enough money to cover six months or even 12 months without a job.

5. What do you plan on doing after you leave?

If you’re going to resign, you need to have a plan. While it’s normal to feel overwhelmed or unsure what you want to do, you need to develop a plan of action after you quit your job, whether that’s to do with career goals, personal goals, or keeping a positive attitude and mindset.

6. Is your current workplace abusive or hostile?

If you are being mistreated, you may not have to quit your job. Instead, take the issue up with HR and see if they can resolve it.

7. Have you given your all and tried everything in your current role?

It would help if you considered whether you have tried everything to improve your job, such as having a positive mental attitude, improving your work habits, and communicating your concerns with your supervisors and managers. If you feel that you have tried hard to make positive changes, and the role still isn’t for you, you gave it your all and tried your best.

8. What do you want out of your life and career?

Have a serious think about what you want to do. Think about your goals and how much you want them, and what you’re willing to do to achieve them. There’s no use quitting this job and getting another one until you find out your career goals.

9. Do you have a plan for finding a new role?

Have you considered how you will find a new job, or have you updated your resume and worked on your skillset to make you a valuable addition to another company? You may need to consider pursuing more job experience, or perhaps you would have to go to university to gain the career you want.

10. Do you have to support anyone in the meantime between jobs?

You need to consider if you can financially leave your job at this current moment in time. Most people suggest only quitting your current job if you have enough savings to last you for 9-12 months if you cannot find a new role, so consider that before making your final decision. If you have others who are financially reliant on you, you also have to consider this.

Thoughtful & Practical

Quitting your job can often seem like the solution to many problems. However, you have to be practical and think clearly about what you want out of your career before making any final decisions. Try asking yourself a few of these questions to clear your mind and help you decide.

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