Fresh Starts and Frustration: Getting Ready for New Years

I absolutely love New Year’s Resolutions… in theory. They’re a concrete place for aspirations that set a fresh tone for the blank slate ahead. It’s great, objectively. 

But in practice, they’ve got a tendency to become another source of pressure and anxiety. 

With so much of that in every slate (blank, bustling or full to bursting), that added pressure is something we could all probably do without most of the time. And don’t you think that maybe this is the year we leave behind the stuff that feels heavy? 

Instead of promising yourself perfection and pressure because that’s what everyone else is doing, we want to offer you an alternative: take back your fresh start. 

Before you begin, remember that our professionals are always here to help

The Fresh Start Effect

There is a lot to be said for fresh starts. There’s a reason there are so many metaphors that relate to the temptation of tabula rasa. We all want to feel the eternal hope that it brings, and want to carry that through the new start we make. We want this time to be different. But despite that, research tells us that up to 90% of people who make resolutions won’t keep them.

So why does the cycle keep repeating? We’ll lay out some of the pros and cons here and let you come to your own conclusions. 

Why it’s awesome

The impact of a fresh start is awesome because it absolves you (the general you, as this definitely applies to me too) of the weight of past mistakes. “Out with the old and in with the new” becomes visceral when you can literally toss out last year’s calendar and hang up a new one that hasn’t got a single mark on it. 

It feels amazing to have unblemished hope and this cyclical reset of your daily routine feels like an opportunity to make meaningful changes in your life. The symbolism and connected nature of sharing that collective fresh start with others makes you feel unstoppable. 

Why it can feel awful 

Despite that, New Year’s resolutions can wreak havoc in some surprising ways.

The truth is that starting over can feel a bit like being pushed off a cliff. The possibilities are endless and it can bring the whole process of motivation to a standstill when you have too many options. 

Additionally, the attachment to the blank slate often means that a single small stumble sets you back. Particularly if you tend toward being a perfectionist, those stumbles can push you so far that abandoning the newness altogether feels easier than overcoming the slip up.

What are the 3 most common reasons why New Year's resolutions fail?

While there are way more than three, we want to share the most common reasons these fresh starts don't make it to February. 

  1. Planning took a backseat to possibility. With more aspiration than realistic goal setting, you get lost when it comes to taking the first step even though you can clearly see your end goal. 

  2. Timing gets the best of you. Scheduling rest and setbacks is an important part of success. If you don’t give yourself time for both, you’ll end up worn out well before you reach the finish line.

  3. Confidence takes over. While confidence is a positive asset in diligently pursuing your goals, it cannot take the place of preparing, and being an active part of the change you’re seeking. 

Knowing is half the battle of succeeding so with that information, let’s take another step toward being part of the 10% of making this New Year meaningful.

Your 3 part checklist to help you get off to a positive start in 2023 

Ready to take back your fresh start in a way that doesn’t feel so stacked against you? We are too—so here are the best tips and tricks we’ve found for bringing the best of you into your next new beginning. 

Don’t make a New Year’s resolution 

Yep. I know. It’s a radical act of returning to yourself to choose not to make a resolution. If you are feeling the fresh start vibe, consider instead setting goals, ideas or making plans that will further an eventual goal that’s tied to achievement instead of time. 

If you’re committed to connecting your next growth stage to the new calendar year, be sure to plan careful and intentional steps to help you go for resolution gold. 

Assess your motivation

Seems obvious, but this is one of those things that isn’t always what it seems. When something in your life feels uncomfortable or stagnant, you may long for the next step or stage. That longing doesn’t mean you’re ready for the true magnitude of that change. 

Spend some time reflecting on your needs and hopes in making this change. Are you ready for the way it will feel to work toward it? When you reach your goal, will you feel fulfilled? What will happen next, once the change is achieved?

These questions are a valuable way to evaluate your motivations for making change before you get lost along the way. With the answers, you can have a mind map at the ready so you don’t end up on an unwanted detour. 

Find your connection source

Whether it’s journaling, meditation or something all your own, a way to reconnect with yourself in a positive and sustainable way is key. Making meaningful change comes with a lot of pressure and, oftentimes, includes setbacks that can make you question yourself. Your gratitude practice can be the safe space you can return to any time this happens. 

For more encouragement and ideas of how to help yourself harness hope and healing in 2023, join us on socials or schedule yourself in to bring Luna Joy along with you for your next journey. 

You can do things your way or start a whole new tradition. This is your chance to have YOUR year. No matter how you choose to explore the exciting potential ahead, we’re rooting for you. 


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