Choosing Yourself is Not Selfish, We Promise

When it comes to self-care, the phrase “choosing yourself” is often used to describe the act of prioritizing your own needs and well-being. It means that you’re taking the time to honor what you need and want in your life. This could be anything from taking a few moments to meditate, to making time to connect with friends, to setting boundaries in relationships. 

Whatever it is, it’s about creating intentional space for yourself. 

When you choose yourself, you’re also making a conscious effort to approach life with greater self-awareness. You’re acknowledging that you have the right to make decisions that are rooted in what’s best for you. It’s a practice of self-love and respect, and it’s an essential part of self-care. 

Before you begin, remember that our professionals are always here to help

How is this different from self-care?

Self-care is an important part of choosing yourself, but it’s not the same thing. Self-care involves taking the time to attend to yourself and your needs in a meaningful way. This could mean doing things like getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, or taking time for yourself to relax. It’s an important commitment to actively care for yourself in order to maintain good health and emotional balance. 

Choosing yourself is more than just self-care. It’s about reflection, intuition, and prioritizing your own value. It is, at the core of things, believing in your worth as a living, breathing being. In practice, this creates a more intuitive understanding of your needs and wants (so you can care for them), and allows you to begin consciously making decisions that are in line with what you need in order to feel supported and fulfilled. It’s the rock-solid foundation upon which self-care is built that allows you to begin being mindful of your own thoughts and feelings so you can make decisions that honor and respect them. 

Why Choosing Yourself Is Not Selfish 

When you take the time to care for yourself, it can sometimes feel like you’re being selfish. But feelings aren’t always facts, and in this case, they’re definitely not. In (actual) fact, caring for yourself is essential to your overall health and well-being. When you take the time to prioritize your mental health, you can be more present and available to others. 

Caring for yourself is a way of honoring your own needs and respecting the fact that you are worthy of taking care of yourself. It’s about recognizing that you deserve to be loved and appreciated just as much as anyone else. Choosing yourself can also help you to nurture self-love, avoid burnout and prevent mental health issues from developing or worsening. 

The benefits of choosing yourself

It changes things when you take the time to connect with your true self and what matters to you. Showing up for yourself can have a huge impact on your life in many ways. It can help you to become more mindful and intentional about the decisions you make. 

You may also find yourself absolutely rocking the whole priorities thing, and showing up in new ways in other areas of your life. The ripple effect is real, and it all starts with your interest in your own existence. 


When you’re mindful of your own needs and wants, you’ll intuitively build relationships that honor that mindfulness. As a result, your relationships will be healthier and more open because they won’t require you to abandon yourself to be in them. It can help you to be more understanding and compassionate with your loved ones, and to set healthy boundaries and expectations in your relationships. 

Mental Health 

Caring for yourself can have a profound impact on your mental health. Attending to your well-being through a compassionate interest in showing up for what matters to you can help to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also help to foster greater self-awareness and acceptance, which can, in turn, lead to a healthier and more balanced state of mental well-being.


Choosing yourself can also have a positive impact on your career. When you take the time to understand your needs and wants, it can lead to increased focus and clarity in your work. It can help you to prioritize tasks that are most meaningful to you, and to make decisions that honor your values. This can lead to greater satisfaction and success in your career.

These questions will get you thinking about how you show up and choose yourself 

So now that you’re feeling more sure of yourself and the space you can take up in the world, we want to give you some opportunities to do just that. In whatever medium feels best to you (journaling, meditation, or even talking to yourself in the car), answer these questions when you’re ready. 

What do I need right now to feel supported and fulfilled? 

  1. What do I need right now to feel supported and fulfilled? 

  2. What am I doing when I feel I can honor my own thoughts and feelings? 

  3. Who do I have meaningful conversations and connections with?

    (And what does that feel like for me?)

  4. What do I need to let go of in order to show up for myself? 

  5. How can I be more mindful and intentional in my decision-making? 

  6. What boundaries do I need to set in my relationships in order to choose me? 

  7. How can I prioritize and celebrate my own goals and desires in life?

Showing up for yourself is an essential part of maintaining your mental health and well-being. While we can support you with the therapy and psychiatry side of things, we need you to show up for you, too. By taking the time to prioritize your own needs, you can be more available to those around you. 

Choosing yourself is not selfish; it’s a way of respecting yourself and honoring your needs. We hope that these tips will help you to shift your perspective and invite new thoughts around embracing your worth and caring for yourself. You just might thank us later. 


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