How to Deal With Panic Attacks in the Workplace

How to Deal With Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks Treatments

Dealing with panic attacks is hard enough, but if you’ve ever experienced a panic attack at work, you know just how disruptive they can be. Perhaps you were in a meeting when you started feeling uncomfortable chest pains. Maybe you were on a call with a client or serving a customer when your symptoms started coming on. Or perhaps you were just sitting at your desk, when you suddenly became unable to focus on what was in front of you.

No matter the scenario, a panic attack at work can feel genuinely debilitating. If you’ve dealt with this before, you might be worried about what to do if this happens again. Here are a few steps you can take to cope with panic attacks at work in a healthy manner.

Before you dive in, remember that our professionals are always here to help

Locate a Private Space

If you begin experiencing the symptoms of a panic attack again, it’s important to retreat to a private space as soon as possible. You may want to return to your cubicle or simply excuse yourself to the bathroom. When you are not surrounded by others, you may be able to center yourself.

Focus on Your Safety

What if you’re unable to leave the room when a panic attack starts coming on? You can try to cultivate a sense of calm by focusing on your safety. Look for reasons that indicate you are safe where you are. For example, you could focus on a trusted coworker, remind yourself that you haven’t been harmed in this space, or think about the lack of signs of physical danger. You can also practice this exercise in a private space.

It’s important to note that sometimes, people deal with panic attacks at work because they do not work in a safe environment, and their well-being has been threatened in the workplace. If this is the case, a panic attack may be a warning sign that it’s time to seek opportunities elsewhere.

Practice Slow Breathing

By taking slow, deep breaths, you can calm your nervous system. You may want to repeat a mantra to yourself as you breathe in and out. For example, a phrase like “I am safe” could work. You can also count as you breathe in and out to keep your mind off your worries. Take as long as you need to simply focus on your breathing.

Write Out Your Feelings

If you have a few quiet moments to spare at your desk, or if you happen to be in a meeting that you just can’t leave, you can also try writing out your feelings to find some relief. You can also counter these negative thoughts by writing down calming thoughts. For example, you could remind yourself that this moment is only temporary, that you are physically safe, and that you are going to be okay.

Talk to a Therapist

If you’re interested in addressing the root cause of your panic attacks, or learning about healthy coping strategies for dealing with panic attacks no matter where you are, you could look into working with a therapist. Furthermore, if you begin working with a therapist and let them know that you sometimes experience panic attacks at work, they might tell you to give them a call or text them if it happens again. Depending on their schedule and the services they provide, they can provide you with valuable support in the moment. A therapist can help you alleviate your panic attacks and symptoms.

Are you struggling with panic attacks at work? Therapy can help. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.

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