5 Strategies for Being More Playful 

Are you looking for creative ideas for adding fun to an otherwise over-scheduled and under-pressure life? 

We got you, boo. 

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5 Strategies for increasing playfulness in your life

Whether you're a parent seeking to infuse more fun into your family life, a professional longing to break free from the monotony of work, or simply someone who craves more joy and lightheartedness, this article is for you. We’re sharing 5 of our favorite strategies to enjoy life more with you today. 

Strategy 1: Embrace Spontaneity

Embracing spontaneity has numerous benefits. It invites excitement and novelty into your life, helping you break free from the monotony of routine. Spontaneity engages your creativity and problem-solving skills since you need them to navigate uncertainty and adapt to new situations. 

Incorporating spontaneity into your daily life can be easier than you think, even when you do schedule every minute. It doesn’t have to be huge—instead, try scheduling in some unstructured time every day. Leave gaps to make shifts in your day so you feel freer to say "yes" to impromptu invitations and opportunities that come your way, whether it's a spontaneous road trip or a last-minute gathering with friends. Pick a new place to visit and then don’t plan what will happen while you’re there! By embracing the unexpected with an open and curious mind, you invite playfulness into your life and create space for memorable experiences. 

Strategy 2: Explore New Hobbies

One of the great things about finding a new hobby or activity is that it can be whatever you want. There are so many things to try that choosing is an adventure of its own! Your new hobby may align with your current interests or explore completely unfamiliar territory. From painting and dancing to gardening and cooking, the possibilities are endless.

To incorporate this strategy into your life, start by making a list of activities or hobbies you've always wanted to try. Set aside dedicated time to engage in these new pursuits, whether it's downloading a language app, joining a book club, or taking up a musical instrument. Embrace the learning process and be open to the enjoyment of trying something new.

Remember, the goal is not perfection or becoming an expert overnight, but rather to embrace the exploration process and immerse yourself in the joy of discovery. 

Strategy 3: Engage in Joyful Movement 

During your quest for a new hobby, maybe you found one that moves your body—that’s great news! It means you’re already well on your way to mastering strategy three, which focuses on taking exercise from something you must do to something you love doing. Moving your body in playful ways that make you feel fully present within yourself is an excellent way to harness a sustainable and enjoyable exercise routine that contributes to your overall well-being.

Look for opportunities to incorporate short bursts of movement throughout your day. For example, you can dance while cooking or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Additionally, it's helpful to schedule dedicated time for joyful movement in your daily or weekly routine. Experiment with different time slots to find what works best for you, whether it's in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

As you engage in joyful movement, it's important to adopt a playful mindset. The benefit of this one in particular, is taking back your relationship with being in your body and bringing play into spaces where obligation took over. So let go of strict performance goals and focus on the pure joy of movement itself! Embrace a sense of curiosity, exploration, and self-compassion during your movement moments. 

Strategy 4: Playful mindset shifts

By shifting your perspective and adopting a more playful approach to life, you can unlock a world of possibilities and find delight in the simplest of moments. In the fast-paced world we live in, it's crucial to use your own thought power to bring play and possibility into your life at a pace that feels good for you. For some people, this looks like mindfulness, meditation, or calm. For others, it looks a little different. Whatever a mindset shift needs to feel like in your life, get curious about how you currently think about the world and prepare to change things up a little. 

To shift your perspective and embrace play, practice mindfulness to stay present and engaged in the moment. Mindfulness allows you to fully immerse yourself in the experience and appreciate the joy that can be found in even the simplest activities. Challenge limiting beliefs and adopt a growth mindset, viewing life as a playful journey of learning and exploration. Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift your playful spirit, creating a supportive and joyful environment.

Strategy 5: Incorporate Play into Relationships

When you engage in play with others, barriers come down, and we can connect on a deeper level. And this isn’t just true for your romantic relationships. You can invite play into your relationships with your kids, friends, family members, and even your colleagues. Playfulness enhances trust, understanding, and empathy, allowing us to see and appreciate different aspects of our loved ones. It creates shared memories and strengthens the bonds we share.

To bring playfulness into your interactions with others, engage in fun and playful activities together. You can plan to spend time together in ways that are meaningful to one or both of you, like skill or experience-building activities. There are other ways to invite play as well, like writing notes and telling jokes, fostering a sense of humor and community in the time you spend together. Using the other strategies you’ve learned can also help you invite play through curiosity into your relationships by embracing adventure together in whatever ways feel best for that relationship. 

By bringing play into the way you connect with the people around you, your atmosphere of playful joy will bloom with you. Embrace playfulness with your loved ones so you can cherish that together. 

Playfulness brings you a little bit closer to a journey of self-discovery that can help you to grow and find the fulfillment you’re craving, especially if your life has started to feel like a jam-packed roller coaster of boringness. Remember, play isn’t just for children—it’s a critical and beautiful part of adulthood as well, and finding creative ways to play more is a useful way to spend your time. 

We’re so proud of all the work you’re doing to build a life you love inside and outside your mind. We invite you to carry these strategies with you along the way, and we hope you’ll use them to let go fo some of the pressure life puts on you. 

If you’re looking for more ways to invite play and reconnect with your inner child, keep your eyes on this space for the next installment of strategies to being more playful—we’ve got 5 more ideas to share with you! In the meantime, join us on socials or for a session to keep play at the top of your mind and invite laughter into your life. Together, let's celebrate the power of play and create a life filled with warmth, laughter, and endless possibilities.


5 (More!) Strategies for Being More Playful


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