5 (More!) Strategies for Being More Playful

If you’ve tried the first five strategies for bringing play and adventure back into this whole adulting thing, you’re in the right place! Are you ready to dive back into even more ways to enjoy life more? We’ve got 5 MORE creative ideas for adding fun and color back into your inner and outer world today. 

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Strategy 6: Create lightness in your daily rituals

When you integrate simple, enjoyable routines into your day, you can cultivate a sense of joy and ease, even amidst the busyness of life. These routines can be around any part of your day—you might want to use levity to make a hard moment more bearable, or maybe you want to include it in something you already enjoy. 

If you’re not a morning person, you could try a playful ritual that can set a positive tone for the rest of your day. Move your body to your favorite upbeat tunes with a morning dance party, allowing the music to energize you and bring a smile to your face. 

Inspiration for creating this lightness can be found anywhere you want to go!  Transform your kitchen into a playful space where you can embrace your culinary creativity and indulge in the pleasure of creating delicious meals. Engage in quick games, doodling, or stretching exercises. To wind down in the evening, dedicate time to laughter therapy. Watch a comedy show, read funny anecdotes, or share jokes with loved ones. 

These moments of playfulness and relaxation can help you recharge and maintain a sense of balance throughout the day. It only takes a small moments of delight to have a big impact on your overall well-being.

Strategy 7: Engage in imaginative play by daydreaming 

Daydreaming is a delightful way to tap into your creativity and nurture your sense of playfulness. It allows (encourages, even) your mind to wander freely, exploring uncharted territories and weaving stories in the realm of your imagination. It's a gateway to infinite possibilities and a chance to immerse yourself in the magic of your own inner world. If it’s been a long time since you connected with that part of yourself, it’s a perfect way to remind you just how magical you are. 

Daydreaming is not a frivolous activity; it's a powerful tool that can spark inspiration, problem-solving, and innovative thinking. By giving yourself permission to daydream, you invite your mind to roam and unleash its full potential.

To engage in imaginative play through daydreaming, find moments throughout your day to let your mind wander. Create a quiet space for yourself, away from distractions, and allow your thoughts to drift. This can be during a break, while taking a walk, or before falling asleep. Let your mind explore new landscapes, envision future aspirations, or replay cherished memories.

Daydreaming is not about achieving a specific outcome or goal; it's about embracing the freedom to imagine and letting your thoughts flow without constraints. Embrace the whimsy and magic of your daydreams, allowing yourself to get lost in the possibilities they hold.

Strategy 8: Find humor in everyday life

Laughter has the power to lift your spirits, release stress, and create a positive atmosphere and that’s ideal for play. So how do we get laughing without feeling utterly cheesy? 

Humor has the ability to shift perspectives, ease tension, and create moments of genuine joy. It helps us navigate challenges with a lighter spirit and find amusement in the ordinary. You can embrace it in so many ways so that you can invite silliness and laughter into your world. To get started, try to train your mind to notice the humorous and quirky aspects of life. When something is new, different, or silly, notice it with joy. Seek that amusement in the unexpected mishaps, the ironies, and the comical moments that often go unnoticed.

We all enjoy content that we can laugh at together, so use that to your advantage!  Try sharing funny stories about yourself or from your life when you’re spending time with friends, or engage in funny entertainment like a standup comedian or funny film. Finding humor in everyday life is not about dismissing serious matters, but about balancing them with levity and perspective. By embracing humor, you invite joy and playfulness into your daily experiences, making life a little brighter and more enjoyable.

Strategy 9: Connect with your inner child

Your inner child represents your innate sense of wonder, curiosity, and imagination. It can help you tap into a wellspring of creativity and rediscover the joy of simply being.

To nurture your inner child, give yourself permission to engage in activities that spark joy and evoke a sense of play. Set aside time to indulge in hobbies or interests that you loved as a child, whether it's painting, playing a musical instrument, or building with blocks. Allow yourself to be spontaneous and unburdened by adult responsibilities, immersing yourself in the present moment and following the whims of your inner child.

Take moments to play and explore without any specific outcome in mind. Dance freely to your favorite music, draw with colorful markers, or spend time in nature, letting your senses guide you. Embrace the power of imagination, creating stories and engaging in make-believe play.

Strategy 10: Let go of perfectionism

The constant pursuit of perfection can be exhausting and limiting, often hindering our ability to fully engage in spontaneous and playful moments.

One way to let go of perfectionism is to embrace imperfection as a valued part of being a human. Recognize that perfection is an illusion and that wonder lies in imperfections. Through this recognition, create space for learning by allowing growth and curiosity instead of fostering shame. You’ll be able to lean into the uniqueness of your journey and find joy in the process rather than striving for flawless outcomes.

Be kind and gentle with yourself as you go, treating yourself with the same understanding and forgiveness you would extend to a dear friend. You’ll need a lot of self-compassion to unlearn the perfectionism we’re taught. 

Shift your focus from achieving perfection to celebrating progress. Acknowledge and appreciate the efforts you put into your endeavors, no matter how small. Recognize that growth and learning come from embracing imperfection and taking courageous steps forward. You can do this by giving yourself permission to try new activities, hobbies, or interests without the pressure of mastering them perfectly. Engage in playful experimentation and curiosity, allowing yourself to enjoy the process rather than fixating on achieving a flawless outcome.

Whew, that last one was a doozy, but you made it! You’ve spent time investing in play and exploring possibility with 5 more strategies to help you enjoy life more. How does it feel? 

As you embark on this journey of embracing playfulness, we want to remind you that making mistakes and learning new lessons is a part of the story—it’s not something to be erased. It’s important to acknowledge the struggle in that, as well as the difficulty of balancing our responsibilities and the darker parts of our lives and world. But both can exist.  Remember to play in life, right alongside the hard parts and the messy spaces. let us remember that it is not about abandoning our responsibilities or disregarding the seriousness of life. 

Through play, we invite balance and your playful mindset is already looking pretty fantastic from here. We’re wishing you joy and strength in all things. Keep in touch and let us know how your playful possibilities bloom. 

Luna Joy is always here for you. 


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5 Strategies for Being More Playful