Types of Meditation Techniques You Can Do at Home

More than 14 percent of adults in the United States (roughly 36 million people) have tried meditating at least once. Have you ever thought about experimenting with this practice?

Read on to learn more about the benefits of regular mindfulness meditation. You’ll also find some quick and easy meditation techniques you can do at home today.

Before you dive in, remember that our professionals are always here to help

Meditation Benefits for Mental Health

If you struggle with mental health issues like anxiety or depression, meditation is a free and simple tool that can help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

There are lots of reasons to incorporate meditation into your daily routine, including the following:

●     Reduced risk of depression: Research shows that meditation can decrease one’s risk of depression relapse by 12 percent, and 60 percent of people say that it increases their overall sense of well-being.

●     Reduced anxiety: Just 1 hour of meditation had a lasting effect on people’s anxiety levels, blood pressure, and resting heart rate.

●     Reduced PTSD symptoms: Early research suggests that meditation can benefit those struggling with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as intrusive thoughts, avoidant behavior, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, and mood swings.

●     Improved sleep: Poor sleep can worsen a variety of mental health challenges, and meditation has been shown to minimize sleep disturbances and improve sleep quality in those who struggle to get a good night’s rest.

Meditation Techniques to Try at Home

Another great thing about meditation is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home without any special equipment. Listed below are 6 simple yet effective techniques you can begin using right away:

1. Box Breathing

Box breathing is a straightforward breathing technique that slows down the breath and heart rate. It consists of just 4 steps:

●     Inhale for 4 seconds

●     Hold your breath for 4 seconds

●     Exhale for 4 seconds

●     Hold your breath for 4 seconds


You can repeat this process for as long as you need to feel more relaxed and at ease. Even just 3 or 4 rounds can make a big difference when it comes to reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.

A Note on Breathing

When you’re doing any of these breathing techniques, breathe down into your stomach so that it expands, rather than up into your chest. This allows you to breathe more deeply and slows down the heart rate more efficiently.

2. Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate nostril breathing is often used as a relaxation technique in yoga. It involves the following steps:

●     Close the left nostril with your left thumb

●     Inhale through the right nostril

●     Close the right nostril with the left index finger (both nostrils should be covered at this point)

●     Hold your breath for a moment

●     Release the left nostril only and exhale

●     Keep the right nostril closed and inhale through the left nostril

●     Close the left nostril with the thumb (both nostrils should be closed at this point)

●     Hold your breath for a moment

●     Release the index finger from the right nostril and exhale

After you’ve completed all of these steps, you’ve finished one set. Aim to complete at least five sets.

3. 4-7-8 Breathing

The 4-7-8 breathing technique was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil and is based on a yogic technique known as pranayama. To practice it, follow these steps:

●     Inhale for 4 seconds

●     Hold the breath for 7 seconds

●     Exhale for 8 seconds


When you’ve finished your exhale, you’ve completed one round. When you’re first getting started with this technique, aim for 4 rounds. Over time, you can work your way up to 8 rounds.

4. Full Body Scan

A full-body scan meditation is an effective way to relax the body, eliminate tension, and reduce stress. To complete this technique, do the following while sitting or lying down:

●     Inhaling through your nose and expand the stomach as you count to 5

●     While inhaling, picture a warm, white light filling the feet

●     Exhale through the mouth as you count to 5

●     While exhaling, release any tension you were holding in the feet


Repeat this process as you move up the body, focusing on the ankles, shins, knees, thighs, etc.

5. Walking Meditation

For those who are hesitant about meditating because they struggle to sit or lie still, a walking meditation is an excellent compromise.

●     Stand with the spine straight, the shoulders relaxed, and arms hanging loosely at the sides

●     Take a deep breath in through the nose, then exhale through the mouth

●     Slowly step forward with the right foot while inhaling

●     Then, slowly step forward with the left foot while exhaling


Repeat this pattern, inhaling when stepping with the right foot and exhaling when stepping with the left foot, for as long as you like. As you do so, focus on the way the ground feels beneath your feet.


If you can do so safely, consider walking barefoot so you can feel more connected to the earth.

Bonus Tips for Better Mental Health

Meditation is an excellent tool for those struggling with their mental health. It may be even more effective, though, when it’s combined with other techniques, including the following:

●     Exercise: Regular exercise increase the production of endorphins; endorphins are feel-good chemicals that can improve mood and reduce pain.

●     Journaling: Writing in a journal can help you to identify patterns in your life that may contribute to or worsen your mental health challenges; it also provides a safe space for you to express yourself and work through negative feelings.

●     Therapy: Working with a therapist, either in-person or through an online therapy or online counseling program, can help you get to the bottom of your mental health challenges and learn other coping mechanisms to use alongside meditation.

Start Meditating at Home Today

Now that you know more about the mental health benefits of meditation and how easy it is to incorporate it into your routine, are you ready to give it a try? Test out one (or more) of the techniques listed above to see how meditation can improve your life today.

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