Let's Talk About BookTok, Reading & Your Mental Health

There is so much more to reading than high school literature classes taught us, and the virtual book community has exploded with all the ways it wants to show you how. In the last 2 years, book clubs and reading challenges have begun to take up space on social media, bringing a love of reading into a virtual world that we can get lost in together. 

From BookTok to #bookstagram, readers and bookworms across the world are finding ways to connect with each other. We want to share some of what we’ve learned from these spaces about reading for mental health, connection and self-awareness. 

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The Power of Fiction (and BookTok)

As adults, we love reading for all the same reasons we did as a kid—story, adventure, imaginative worlds—and for some new ones too. Getting lost in a book can help us get out of our own heads and escape the pressure of our daily lives and struggles—if only for a little while.

Reading fiction books in particular can be a great way to help you process all your feels in your own way. By reading stories about characters going through similar experiences and emotions, you can better understand your own feelings and how to manage them. 

Fiction books can also provide a safe space to explore difficult topics and emotions without feeling judged or overwhelmed. This is particularly true because books can always be set down and returned to later so that if you bump up against a difficult trigger, you can take the space you need to sit with it—or walk away for a while.

What’s BookTok?

The rise of BookTok and other social book communities is providing readers with even more support when it comes to reading. BookTok is a popular platform on the app TikTok, where readers post videos discussing their favorite books and reading experiences. Through BookTok, readers can connect with other readers and share their thoughts and feelings about the books they’ve read. 

In addition to BookTok, there are a variety of online book clubs and groups, such as Goodreads and Book Riot, as well as book-focused retailers like Blissfully Bookish who maintain an online platform where readers can join in conversations about their favorite books or find new ones to explore. 

Sometimes funny, witty, intense or overwhelming, bookish communities on social media (like BookTok) are a form of bibliotherapy, which can help you to make meaningful connections with like-minded people and receive support and understanding from the community. Unpacking your reading experience in a virtual community through the experiences of others can help you begin to explore your own emotions. 

What is bibliotherapy?

Bibliotherapy is a form of therapy that uses the power of literature to help people heal and cope with mental health issues. It works by using the books you love as a medium for understanding and exploring the world. Think about it like the space where therapy and reading meet, much like BookTok is where reading and social media scrolling meet! 

Bibliotherapy is an accessible form of therapy that can help people explore their emotions, gain insight into their mental health, and learn coping skills. It can be used as a form of self-help or in conjunction with traditional therapy. The reading itself might be the therapy for some, as well as creative writing, journaling, and creating community around these things. Most often, avid readers may enjoy combining these things to help them connect to their emotional well-being through their bookish escapes. 

Connecting with yourself and others by reading for mental health 

Reading fiction books and engaging with communities that share your interest in authors, series or genres can be a great tool for processing your emotions. The key to creating an effective book community that fulfills you is engage in the process of discovery. Read the books that make you feel something. Read for your mental health by considering your mood and emotional needs, whether you want a good controlled cry, prolonged warm fuzzies, a healthy dose of the heebie jeebies, or something else. Take the time to explore different books and find stories that resonate with you. 

Once you’ve found that niche, begin to seek the spaces that nourish it. Connect with other readers on BookTok, local reading groups, or even author groups to find comfort in knowing you're not alone. 

Everyone experiences emotions differently, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. You might be an escapism reader or a loud and proud reader, all types are welcome when you’re balancing your own fulfillment to read for mental health and well-being. 

Whether you’re just starting out on this bookish quest or happy to have validation for your lifelong book-loving, this is your green light to keep going. All reading is real reading, and it’s a brilliant way to process your emotions in a way that is meaningful, healthy and sustainable. 

Read on, bookworms. And if you’re looking for a therapist to unpack all those on-page or off-page feelings, we’ve got you. Contact Luna Joy today to find a therapist for you in 13 states. 


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