Hot Flashes, Dryness, Menopause – How To Cope With Your Changing Body

Menopause is a confusing time for many women. You may have been caught off guard by your very first symptoms. Perhaps you didn’t know much about what to expect during menopause, and now, you feel like you’re entering unknown territory. Maybe you’ve been struck by feelings of insecurity as your body changes. You might have mixed emotions about your body at the moment, and how starting menopause marks the passage of time.

Dealing with transitions is never easy, and many women deal with unpredictable feelings about their bodies throughout menopause. If you’re having trouble accepting this change, these tips can help you navigate this new chapter of your life.

Before you dive in, remember that our professionals are always here to help

Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power. This is especially true when it comes to women’s reproductive health. Many women do not know exactly what menopause entails. You might not have discussed menopause openly with the older women in your life. Perhaps you felt uncomfortable asking questions about it, or you grew up in a household where talking about reproductive health issues was discouraged. Learning as much as you can about menopause through books, the internet, scientific studies, or other resources can help you feel more confident and empowered.

Talk to Your Doctor

Are you experiencing symptoms that leave you unable to carry out your normal activities? If this is the case, it’s time to talk to your doctor about steps you can take to support your overall well-being. You should feel free to ask medical professionals about the changes you’re dealing with and what else you might expect during menopause. This can help you feel more prepared. If you find that your doctor does not adequately answer your questions or dismisses your concerns, you may want to start looking for a new doctor who takes you seriously.

Lean on Friends

Sometimes, talking to your friends about what you’re going through can be very reassuring. Every woman in your life either has gone through menopause or will go through it eventually. You are never alone in what you’re experiencing. If you simply need someone to lean on or vent to, turn to a trusted friend, especially one who has walked in your shoes before. They might be able to give you the words of advice you need to hear at this time. Chances are, they’ve had some of the same feelings as their own bodies changed. They can help you navigate this time, too.

Practice Self-Care

If your symptoms have left you feeling run down and exhausted, spending a little more time on self-care can make a world of difference. You may want to get into a daily self-care routine for when you start and end your day. Choose a few healthy, relaxing activities that you can incorporate into your life. You may want to practice yoga, write in a journal, meditate, or pick out a few affirmations that you can use as mantras no matter where you are.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Finally, it’s important to stick with a healthy sleep schedule when you’re going through menopause. This is because your body needs lots of rest in order to cope with all of the changes you’re going through. Getting the rest you need can make a huge difference for your emotional and physical well-being over this time. If you’re having trouble sleeping due to hot flashes or other symptoms, talk to your doctor about any remedies or techniques that you can use.

Are you struggling with your mental health as you enter menopause? Talking to a therapist can help. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.


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