9 Signs That You might be in a Relationship with a Narcissist

Relationship with a Narcissist

Narcissist Personality Disorder

It can be challenging being in a relationship with someone who has a narcissist personality disorder. But some people can be in a narcissistic relationship and not realize it. For example, they may think that controlling behaviour is normal in relationships, even when they try to hide it from friends and family. Perhaps they believe they won’t be happier with someone else. Yet, they only think this because a narcissist has diminished their self-worth.

There is a range of subtle hints that you can pick up on that a narcissistic partner does in a relationship. This blog will help you understand what narcissist personality disorder is and the signs you can look out for to help you know if you are dating someone with the condition.

Before you dive in, remember that our professionals are always here to help

What is Narcissism?

A narcissist personality disorder is a mental condition where people have an expanded sense of their importance. They often have a deep need for attention and admiration, as well as have troubled relationships and a lack of empathy for others. However, the extreme confidence is often a mask for fragile self-esteem.

Dating a narcissist can affect your relationship and weaken your mental health. That’s why it’s essential to know the signs you are in a relationship with a narcissist and its effects on you.

How does it feel to be in a narcissist relationship?

The effects of being in a relationship with someone who has a narcissistic personality disorder vary depending on how long you endure their abuse. Some survivors experience mild effects that they recover from quickly. In contrast, others suffer more severe impacts that affect them throughout their lives.

After being in a narcissist relationship, you may experience:

●     Anxiety and/or depression

●     Post-traumatic stress

●     Loss of self and self-worth

●     Inability to forgive yourself

●     Headaches, body aches, or stomach aches

●     Difficulty sleeping or nightmares

●     Difficulty concentrating

●     Mood swings, irritability, or depersonalization


It can be hard to know if you are in a narcissistic relationship, especially when we show our best selves at the beginning of a relationship. However, if you begin to lose your self-worth or experience mental health issues. It could signify that your husband or partner has a narcissistic personality disorder.

9 signs you are dating someone with a narcissistic personality disorder

1.    They don’t show interest in your life

Your partner only talks to you when convenient for them, and when they speak to you, the conversation typically revolves around them. They never ask you about your dreams or goals, your plans for the future, or how you can build a life together. Instead, they brag about themselves, and their happiness comes from their accomplishments or money.

2.    You feel manipulated

A narcissist partner will manipulate you to get what they want. If you don’t do something for them or disagree, they will make subtle threats, so you give in to what they want. Sometimes it’s easier for you to give up your needs and go along with what they want. As a result, after a period of narcissistic abuse, you might forget what life was like before the manipulation started.

3.    You’re walking on eggshells

You don’t know your partner’s mood, so you avoid specific conversations or activities. One minute, everything seems fine, but a minor incident can send someone with a narcissistic personality disorder into a fit of rage. You may lose yourself as all your decisions are based on how your partner will react, and you may miss out on important life events because you know mentioning them will cause an argument.

4.    They criticize you constantly

People with narcissistic personality disorder are highly critical of everyone. They tend to make fun of people who they think are “lesser” than them. As a result, they may make fun of or criticize your appearance by commenting about your weight, clothes, or hairstyle.

5.    They don’t apologize

You take responsibility for every argument and mishap in your relationship as a narcissist thinks it’s always someone else’s fault. They won’t apologize as narcissists believe other people are “lesser” than them, even if your partner is at fault. You may feel like there’s nothing you can do right as they blame everything that goes wrong in their life on you.

6.    They are gaslighting you

If your partner or husband manipulates you by making you doubt your reality, they are gaslighting you. It is a tactic amongst narcissists used to control you. For example, they may say things like, “you’re being crazy” or “you don’t remember right” to get their own way. As a result, you may begin to second-guess yourself or think you are mentally ill.

7.    You don’t feel good enough

As time goes on, you may feel unloved by your partner as they often devalue or ignore you. You may start to feel like you are not good enough as a narcissist tends to comment negatively. After a while, you may feel tired or lose touch with yourself and the things you love.

8.    You get the silent treatment

Narcissists use the silent treatment in relationships as a form of power play to control you. For example, they may ignore you and withhold affection until it benefits them. Usually, this happens after a disagreement so they can take control and get what they want.

9.    They’ve cheated on you

A partner with a narcissist personality disorder may have cheated on you as a way to control the relationship. As they lack empathy for their spouses, they use infidelity to devalue their partner for their own needs and self-esteem. However, they may also use gaslighting to make you feel like you are crazy when you confront them about their infidelity.

A narcissist uses a range of manipulative tactics to control their partners. For example, they may gaslight or cheat to increase their self-esteem by making their spouses lose their self-worth. If you relate to any of the signs, know that you won’t be able to change someone with a narcissistic personality disorder. They will convince you that they are the only person who cares about you or use shame to control you. When, in fact, staying with them will only make you feel isolated from the people who love and care for you. If you suspect that you might be in a relationship with a narcissist, please reach out to us and we can explore this further.


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