Living with Uncertainty: How Therapy Can Help Women Navigate the Unknown

Living with uncertainty is a fact of life, but that doesn't make it an easy one. As women, and particularly mothers, you may often feel pressure to have everything figured out and under control. It seems the whole world expects that of us, and we should just be able to do it, right? Know the answers, calm the storm, and keep going with grace.

But that’s not how it really plays out, is it?

Instead, life is unpredictable, and sometimes we find ourselves facing situations that are out of our control. In this blog post, we'll explore why uncertainty can be difficult for women, techniques for coping with uncertainty, and how therapy can help you navigate uncertain times.

Before you begin, remember that our professionals are always here to help

Why Uncertainty is Difficult for Women

Historically, women are socialized to be caretakers and planners. We are taught to anticipate and meet the needs of others, which can create a sense of responsibility for making sure everything is taken care of.  On top of caring for others, there are high expectations on women to have it all together, whether it's in your career, relationships, or personal lives. 

Striking this balance (and doing so flawlessly) is especially acute for mothers who feel increased pressure in all of these areas. This pressure can create a sense of anxiety and fear of failure, which can be compounded by uncertainty.

With women being more likely to experience anxiety than men, that uncertainty can latch on and root in, making the whole thing feel even more overwhelming. You might find yourself worrying about the future, catastrophizing potential outcomes, or feeling paralyzed by indecision.

Coping with Uncertainty in a World of Expectations

The good news is that there are techniques we can use to cope with uncertainty and manage our anxiety. One technique is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness involves being present at the moment and observing our thoughts and feelings without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, we can learn to accept uncertainty and let go of the need for control.

Another technique is to reframe our thoughts. Instead of catastrophizing or assuming the worst, we can try to think of alternative outcomes or focus on the positive aspects of the situation. For example, if we're uncertain about a job opportunity, we can reframe our thoughts from "I'll never get the job" to "There are other opportunities out there, and I'm qualified for this one."

Finally, it's essential to prioritize self-care and set boundaries. When we're feeling uncertain or anxious, it can be tempting to push ourselves harder or try to control everything around us. However, this can quickly lead to burnout and further anxiety. By taking care of ourselves and setting healthy boundaries, we can better cope with uncertainty and manage our anxiety.

4 Self-help Tricks for Managing Uncertainty

  1. Practice saying “thanks” as often as possible: Focusing on what we are grateful for can help shift our perspective and bring positivity into our lives.

  2. Move your body: Joyful movement can help to release tension and improve our mood.

  3. Seek support: Talking to a trusted friend or family member can help you feel less alone and provide a different perspective on our situation. And a plug for us- our support groups are a great way to do this with some space.

  4. Mindfulness, mantras and affirmations: Practice noticing when you feel on edge or unsure. Have a list of mantras or affirmations that you can repeat when those feelings come up, and let them bring you back to the awareness that feeling unsure is a temporary thing. 

While there are techniques we can use to manage our anxiety and uncertainty, sometimes it can be challenging to do it on our own. That's where therapy comes in. Therapy can provide a safe and supportive space to explore our fears and concerns, gain insight into our patterns of thinking and behavior, and develop coping skills to manage uncertainty.

How Therapy is Key to Navigating Uncertain Times

In therapy, we can learn how to challenge our negative thoughts and beliefs and replace them with more helpful and positive ones. We can also explore our values and priorities and learn how to make decisions that align with them, even in uncertain times. Once we’ve got a good grip of those values, your therapist can help you to develop the tools you need to manage anxiety and stress as it arises.

Therapy can also provide a sense of validation and support when trying to find clarity in the chaos of everyday uncertainty. It can affirm what you’re experiencing so that your emotions are granted space to breathe without getting wings to grow. 

Speaking with a trained therapist can help you feel heard and understood and can offer a different perspective on our situation. This can be especially helpful for those who may not have a support system in place or who may not feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings with those around them.

You Can Embrace the Unknown Confidently 

Living with uncertainty is difficult, especially when you’re used to having all the answers. But you are deserving of a safe space to explore those emotions and build the resilience and coping skills needed to navigate the unknown. We want to help you do that.

 When you embrace self-compassion, you create the opportunity to build coping skills, and explore values that will ensure you can always find meaning and purpose even in uncertain times.

Remember, uncertainty is a natural part of life, and while it may be uncomfortable at times, it can also lead to growth and resilience. If you’re looking to be challenged and celebrated, supported and seen, Luna Joy is here for you. 


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