Finding Fulfillment as a Single Woman
In a society where women are expected to marry and have a family, being a single woman has a negative connotation. “Can she not keep a man? Is she too picky? She must be so unhappy not having a partner.” It still comes as a shock to many people that some women actually want to be single and enjoy the freedom it offers. Whether you want to be single in this moment or not, you can still find fulfillment as a single woman, and dare we say it, be single and happy.
Before you begin, remember that our professionals are always here to help
The Rise of Singledom
Studies have shown that nearly half of U.S. adults—and a majority of women—say that dating has become harder in the last 10 years. If dating is harder and more discouraging, it is not surprising that women are staying single longer and not seeking life partners as intently and seriously. Women are also experiencing an influx of physical and cyber harassment in the dating world. Therefore, less women are putting themselves out there for casual dating scenarios and are dating with intent and devoting their time and energy to serious prospects only.
Finding fulfillment as a single woman in society that values families and familiar gender roles, it may be difficult to manage your singlehood. If this is the case, you are not alone. Seeking a women-centered, holistic approach to mental health can help you better understand your feelings and attitude about singlehood and relationships.
LunaJoy is here to support all women—those happily single and those who didn’t choose this path—to cultivate the most powerful relationship they have, the one with themselves.
Celebrating our Single Season & Finding Fulfillment as a Single Woman
In modern times, a woman has many reasons to be single. Whether it is to focus on a career, a lack of desire to have children, or feeling overwhelmed with nuances of modern dating (ahem - dating apps), it is becoming increasingly common for women to marry later and embrace singlehood longer. Still, when we are feeling lonely and hopeless about love, it is easy to get consumed by negative thoughts.
Historically, marriage as an institution was considered necessary for women to gain acceptance, financial security, economic benefits and other outdated factors. The good news is: the modern woman can now provide all of this on her own. So, there is no need to rush into a relationship or marriage like there was in the past. People are marrying later (if at all) and this gives us ample time to bask in our single season and make the most of it. In fact, being single in modern day can really be viewed as a privilege for these reasons. We no longer need to find a partner to thrive, we can find a partner at a leisure pace and look for love, not security and stability.
To help you get out of your single season slump, here are 10 reasons to help you reframe and reconsider the positives of a woman in singlehood.
More time for platonic relationships and family
Focus on your mental health
Being free and unattached to do what you want
Focus on your career and/or education
Better finances (perks of a one-person house-hold!)
You are more self-sufficient and independent
More time for self-exploration to aid future partner seeking
Less need to compromise/sacrifice
Less stress (let’s face it: a relationship is hard work)
Studies show you may be healthier, less depressed and live longer than the married woman
The Sisterhood of the Singles
There are many benefits and perks to being a single woman. Changing your perspective to seek out the positives of this experience can help you develop a better mindset about your single season of life and learn a lot about yourself. Despite stigma and stereotyping that surrounds this topic, you are not as crazy cat lady, extreme feminist, woman scorned, or damaged goods if you are a single lady. Embrace this time and all the positives that come with it because this a special and liberating time of your life.
In reality, single people aged 18 and over make up about 45.2% of the American population according to the U.S Census. This number has also been on the rise. Also on the rise was the median age for women to marry. In fact, the 2018 census reported that median age of marriage was at an all-time high for women at 28 years old. All this to say, and hopefully convince you, that being a single woman is okay and has its perks. You can find fulfillment as a single woman and love the life you lead. If you need a little more convincing and support, it is perfectly okay to talk to a knowledgeable and experienced professional that can help you learn to be single and happy and prepare you with the emotional tools and mindset that will serve your next romantic relationship well. This is a time to be celebrated and enjoyed and reframing your mindset can help you find the most fulfillment in this time of your life.