Addressing Maternal Mental Stress: The PriVileG-M Study

Maternal mental health during pregnancy and postpartum is crucial for both the mother and the child's well-being. The PriVileG-M study explores the impact of individualized psychotherapy and telemedicine on reducing mental stress in pregnant women and improving child health.

The Need for Early Intervention

Mental stress during pregnancy can lead to premature birth, low fetal growth, and decreased maternal sensitivity, which impairs mother-child bonding. These stressors can affect the child's physical and cognitive development through intergenerational transmission processes.

The PriVileG-M Study Approach

This study employs a randomized controlled trial with pregnant women living in a socio-economically disadvantaged rural area. Mentally stressed pregnant women are provided with individualized psychotherapy starting prenatally and lasting for 10 months. Telemedicine support is added to stabilize therapeutic effects.

Key Components

  • Psychotherapy: Up to 20 individual sessions addressing stress, psychiatric symptoms, self-efficacy, and self-confidence.

  • Telemedicine: Regular follow-up via telephone and messages to support daily life challenges.

  • Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA): To evaluate real-time effects of the intervention.

  • Bio-sample Analysis: Monitoring cortisol and oxytocin levels to understand stress transmission.

Expected Outcomes

  1. For Mothers:

    • Reduced mental stress

    • Improved mental health and quality of life

    • Enhanced self-awareness and resilience

  2. For Children:

    • Lower rates of preterm birth and complications

    • Reduced cognitive, physical, and psychomotor issues

    • Improved bonding with mothers

  3. Overall:

    • Better mother-child interactions

    • Lower cortisol levels in both mothers and children

How LunaJoy Can Help

At LunaJoy, we understand the importance of maternal mental health and offer comprehensive services to support pregnant women and new mothers, including:

  • Individual Therapy: Personalized sessions with licensed therapists to address stress and psychiatric symptoms.

  • Telehealth Services: Convenient online therapy options for continuous support.

  • Group Therapy: Community support sessions to share experiences and strategies.

  • Postpartum Support: Specialized care for new mothers to manage postpartum depression and anxiety.

The PriVileG-M study aims to break the cycle of intergenerational transmission of stress and psychiatric disorders by providing early and continuous mental health support to mothers. This comprehensive approach ensures both immediate and long-term benefits for maternal and child health. LunaJoy is dedicated to offering the necessary support to help women navigate these challenges effectively.

To explore the detailed study, refer to the PriVileG-M study protocol.


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